Utility / System software / System Tools / Tools / Windows · October 23, 2022 0

FastKeys 5.28 Crack + Keygen Full Version Download 2022

FastKeys 5.28 Crack With Keygen [Latest Version] Free Download:


FastKeys 5.28 Crack is powerful automation software that allows you to configure applications to perform different tasks on your computer, assign keys to perform different operations, define shortcuts for frequently used texts, and manage mouse status. It also allows you to run programs, open files, paths, and websites, as well as execute commands and scripts to perform automated actions.

Overview Of FastKeys 5.28 Crack:

FastKeys Crack Serial key full version free download Powerful automation software that helps you configure programs to start different activities on your computer, assign keystrokes for performing various operations, define abbreviation strings for your frequently used text, and manage mouse gestures. Execute common or complex tasks by using simple and amazing mouse gestures. activation key Keep a hand on a mouse and automate anything with a small quick movement.

The user can create using FastKey an unlimited number of sets of hotkeys, saving them as separate files, and loading them as needed. For example, one set may be useful when traveling over the Internet, another – when working with graphics, the third – if a child is sitting at the computer, and so on.

FastKeys 5.28 Crack Plus Keygen Full Torrent:

FastKeys Keygen: Set up and use text templates. In the program configuration, the TextExpander and AutoComplete sections are responsible for these options. With TextExpander, you can create a list of standard phrases and assign abbreviations to them. Then, when entering these shortcuts, the program will automatically insert the complete version of the phrase in the edited text. Autocomplete is similar to this procedure but works differently. Once you start typing the text stored in the program’s database, FastKeys suggests replacing the final block immediately or performing one of the actions presented in the configuration, for example pasting the contents of the clipboard.

In the program, FastKeys you can create your own scripts when called, that will execute a specific sequence of actions. As operators, they can be used as random keys compatible with FastKeys, and are already configured in keyboard shortcuts for program actions. Scripts can be very large and complex, so the script editor can track syntax errors in your code. Also, the script can be converted to an executable EXE file.

Main Key Features:

  • Expand abbreviations for frequently used text in any application and save hours of typing.
  • Type a couple of letters and automate repetitive tasks professionally.
  • Build a fully configurable Start Menu to start any activity on your computer.
  • Simply touch the screen edge to show the menu. It is always there when needed in any program.
  • Create keyboard Shortcuts to do anything with a keystroke.
  • Run programs, files, folders, and sites or make powerful scripts to automate Windows desktop and applications
  • Execute common or complex tasks by using simple and amazing mouse gestures.
  • Keep a hand on a mouse and automate anything with a small quick movement.
  • Recognize repetitive text input and auto-complete full text or launch commands.
  • Intelligent word and phrase prediction with learning capability. Support for many languages.
  • FastKeys is extremely configurable and feature-rich software.


System Requirement:

  • Compatible OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10
  • Memory Required (RAM): 512 MB RAM required.
  • Hard Disk Space Required: 15 MB of free hard disk space is required.
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or later.
  • Admin rights

What’s New:

  • New: user-defined variables,
  • Improved case sensitivity in Text Expander,
  • Updates in Dutch, Slovak, and Russian.
  • General improvements and bug fixes.

How To Crack?

  • First Download FastKeys 5.28 with Crack from the below Links.
  • If You are using the Old version Please Uninstall it With
  • Turn Off Windows Defender
  • After the Download Install the Program As Normal.
  • After Install Run the Software Run.
  • Please Run the Keygen file & Registered it.
  • You are Done with it. Now Enjoy the Full version.